Dancing with Dragons

Dancing with Dragons Q & A: VOL II

Dancing with Dragons Season 3 Episode 58

What's the secret behind the enduring fascination with Game of Thrones, and how do the characters we love—or love to hate—shape its legendary status? Join us as we kick off 2025 and season 3 of Dancing with Dragons with a bang, celebrating Minwa's birthday and exploring the intricate web of character dynamics and plot twists that make Game of Thrones a cultural phenomenon. This episode entertains and educates as we tackle listener questions and share personal insights into the world of Westeros, including Minwa's journey through "A Clash of Kings" and her excitement about the stories yet to come.

Ever wondered why some characters get the spotlight while others are left in the shadows? We dissect the overrated and underrated figures in the "A Song of Ice and Fire" universe, challenging the conventional wisdom about characters like Stannis Baratheon and Jon Snow, while championing unsung heroes like Yoren and Podrick Payne. Our conversation doesn't shy away from the controversial portrayal of women in Game of Thrones, offering a critical lens on the show's tropes and celebrating the more balanced storytelling in "House of the Dragon." We navigate the maze of prophecies and power plays, pondering how different choices might have altered the fates of our favorite characters.

Imagine hitting the road with your favorite Game of Thrones characters—who would you pick for the ultimate adventure? We indulge in this fun hypothetical, choosing our ideal travel companions and debating the outcomes of pivotal strategic decisions in the series. What if Daenerys had Selmy as her Hand instead of Tyrion? We explore the potential ripple effects on her reign and the war for the Iron Throne. As we wrap up, we invite you to engage with us on social media and share your burning questions, ensuring our next episode is as exciting and interactive as Westeros itself.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome everyone to the first episode of 2025 and season 3 of Dancing with Dragons. I'm Tony and I'm here with the amazing Minwa and we're your hosts for this podcast. That is your ultimate destination for everything in the world of Westeros and beyond. Whether you're pledged your loyalty to House Stark, swanfield, to the Targaryens, or still dream of a world where the Night King reigns supreme, this is the place where we dive deep into the lore, history and shows and stories that have captivated us all. Before I explain what our first episode of the year is going to be about, I'd like to wish my co-host, minwa, a very happy birthday. It was yesterday, but still, how was your day?

Speaker 2:

It was good. Thank you for asking, tony. It was fine Celebrated with family and friends, chill.

Speaker 1:

Were you pampered. Are you too old for that?

Speaker 2:

Like I guess my friends and family treated me, had some good food, some of my favorite food, played some nice fun games. There's actually a really funny story I have to mention on the podcast. So one of my friends who might be listening, she made like a quiz that's like just about me and like my interests, my hobbies and stuff. So you are part of it too, because one of the questions was true or false. Minua's co-host on her podcast. His name is joey and most people got his rights. Most people said false and his name is sony. So you were part of it and the podcast was part of it too. There were there, yeah, there were another question. There was another question about the podcast.

Speaker 1:

So, um, that's why my this, that's why my ears were ringing. I go. What's going on? Yeah?

Speaker 2:

because you were part of my birthday.

Speaker 1:

Cool uh, so, um, for our first episode of the year, it's going to feel like sort of a deja vu. Last January we began 2024 with a Q&A and Minhwa and I talked and figured, since last year's Q&A episode was fun to record and also one of our most downloaded of last year.

Speaker 1:

Why not start the same for 2025? Unloaded of last year why not start the same for 2025? So last week I was listening to last year's Q&A and I started smiling because there's two questions we got that I knew we'd get again this year.

Speaker 2:

We did.

Speaker 1:

So our first question for our 2025 Q&A is from our friend, louis Lulu Reviews. Now he's the permanent co-host of the Fellowship of the Mike with Shan. His question is Minwa, have you finished A Clash of Kings yet?

Speaker 2:

he asked it last year first of all, I am done with A Clash of Kings. Everybody clap for me. I'm joking. I'm finally done. I said that by the next episode I'd be done with the book, and of course I am. I kept true to my I'd be done with the book, and of course I am. I kept true to my word. I'll one-up him. I even started the third book.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh for real. No, really I did. I'm not that far into it.

Speaker 2:

I just went past the prologue, but I didn't dive deep yet, but I started it, so there you go. There's the update for 2025. Stay tuned. I don't know when I'll be done.

Speaker 1:

I'll add an applause to this when I can, if I can, okay. So, funny enough, he has a second question. It's one that he asked last year as well. Okay, what are you looking forward to when covering Season 3 of Game of Thrones?

Speaker 2:

Oh my God. Okay, what are you?

Speaker 1:

looking forward to when covering season three of Game of Thrones, oh my God. Okay. So before we answer, let me give everyone a quick explanation on why we didn't review, slash, analyze, season three really quick. So last January we decided we'd start covering the season in March, thinking that House of the Dragon season two would come out in late August. The plan was whenever we got the official premiere date, we scheduled time to revisit the first season of House of the Dragon. Hbo threw a little monkey wrench into our plan and schedule and decided to release season two in June.

Speaker 1:

So Minhwa and I made an executive decision to scrap season three coverage of GOT and tackle season one of House of the Dragon instead. And by the time season two of House of the Dragon concluded, we had recorded like 21 straight weeks of reviewing and analyzing HOTD stuff. So we kind of needed a break from that episodic reviews and recordings. So here we are, 2025. Our coverage of season three will begin soon, for sure. And so back to the question. The question is what are you looking forward to in rewatching season three?

Speaker 2:

Well, do you remember what I said last year? It's probably going to be the same.

Speaker 1:

Same thing, right, I mean.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Wedding, daenerys. Yeah, the only thing I kind of wrote something you probably agree with it I just wrote in season three is a season season of alliances, betrayals and uh game changing moments, which is the red wedding. Uh. It builds on the series political intrigue while setting up major shifts in power. So we see a lot of power structure being uh built up or crumbling. With the rewatch it'll give us a deeper appreciation for all the characters and, like we'll see the foreshadowing won't say when, but pretty soon I think we're gonna do a few more episodes of uh standalone.

Speaker 2:

Um, like our next episode we want to focus on, like previewing the night of the seven kingdoms show yeah, um, as you all know by now, this is a q a episode for um, the podcast, and like an introduction to season three. On the topic of the spinoffs, we got a question submitted to us from my friend, besma, at bloom with besma, and she wants us to talk about all the spinoffs and what to expect from each of them. Um, so the night of the seven kingdoms one is the next episode you can expect from us. We're going to tell you everything you need to know about that and we'll also give you some very small updates on all the other spin-offs and projects in the works.

Speaker 2:

And while I'm here, besma also asked some other very interesting questions for us to answer. She says what Game of Thrones realm character did you least expect to like but ended up liking? And then she follows that up by saying how did that character convince you to like them and what do you see in them? Now, and I have a bit of a shocking answer, I guess. So I want you to start, please, and I want you to answer that first.

Speaker 1:

Okay In terms of book, because you know his arc was completely destroyed. I'm going to say Jaime, because Jaime was probably the most hated person in that first few chapters of him trying to kill Bran. With time and you see in the show how they. That's one of the best things the show did, actually was figure out a way for us to somehow peel those onions, those layers of his onion, and just to see how he was deep inside, because he's not the same as cersei, because cersei is just pure evil and I think what.

Speaker 1:

What really convinced me was when he was completely deflated, vulnerable, in season three and when he has that conversation of with brianne. It's right after his. His right hand is chopped off. He feels less of a man. He's telling the story about the Mad King and why he had to do what he did. I think just after that you can see that he still wants to go to King's Landing, but he also is becoming a good person in a weird way. Go. You know what I like, jaime. I think he's one of my favorite characters and I'm really hoping that if we ever get these books, you know, he'll find his way in the right side of history. Westerosi history.

Speaker 1:

Because right now he's still fighting for the Lannisters, for his family. So that would be my pick, and I know that's the easiest one to say, but I truly believe that he's one of the best, going from detested to kind of beloved by the end.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree with you on Jaime. I have, I think, two characters that I'd say apply that I guess everyone kind of agrees with, and the first one is Jaime apply that I guess everyone kind of agrees with. And the first one is Jamie um. Like, by the end of it, I think I was just as annoyed about how his arc ended as I was, like Danny and everybody else, because it's just, you know, like I cared about it that much. So that's like a testament to my journey with that character, because of course, I didn't like him in the beginning either. And I guess the other pick that everyone, I guess, or most people, should or would agree with is Sansa At the beginning. You know, I watched Game of Thrones when I was like 14 years old for the first time. So, oddly enough, maybe I should have empathized with her more at that age, but I was just so focused on, like, the main plot. You know what I mean Like, so focused on, like the main plot you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Like I wasn't like absorbing it, I guess, as thoroughly as I do now, and you know, when you watch for the first time, you don't see things the way you watch it, like on your fourth, fifth time or whatever. So at the beginning she really annoyed me. I think by the time she went to King's Landing, like maybe in season two, starting season two, I started to be like okay, like been up season two, starting season two, I started to be like okay, like this is actually a poor girl and and she needs help, or like I wish I could help her. But at the same time I was like why isn't she just running away?

Speaker 2:

You know, I was a bit I guess I don't know how to describe it, but frustrated with her, even though I felt sorry for her. By season I think, four or something I just completely changed my mind about her and wasn't frustrated with her at all. I was just frustrated with, like, what was happening to her rather than her, and what her choice is. You know, like now, if you've heard me on the podcast, you know how much I love Sansa and you know how I think that like she has a right to be the brat that she is kind of at the beginning of the show. So, yeah, I'd say those are the two main picks, but actually the shocking pick that I have is actually Dani, and I don't think anyone would have expected that, because when I watched season one for the first time, I was so stark focused.

Speaker 1:

Can I just? I just want to add something about Sansa. Like you said, she's very hated, especially with the bros who they think she's just annoying.

Speaker 1:

She goes through a lot but she has so much like resilience throughout. And then you could you could tell that even though she's being tortured or a prisoner, she's growing and she's maturing and she's like getting all that political like strategy and acumen from like she's oddly learning from cersei of like what not to do or to do, that kind of like the opposite. And just like she knows like what not to do or to do, that kind of like the opposite. And just like she knows like she had to adapt in like every situation she's adapting and then she has to go back home and she has to everything she goes to so many different places. She has to adapt. So it's one of those things that I wish we could have seen the show with her as a leader, like showing her like a full season of Sansa there, like dealing with with crises or whatever that has to be dealt with. So yeah, I just wanted to add that for Sansa.

Speaker 2:

Like, yeah, I wish we could see kind of more of her. You know, like I was going to say like about Dany as well. Like I think in the beginning the Starks really stole the show, so that's what most people are just focused on. You're like, and I mean the Starks really stole the show, so that's what most people are just focused on. You're like, and I mean the Starks, I mean like kind of Ned Catelyn and like that situation, especially Ned.

Speaker 2:

you know he's our, he's our main character, so you focus on him and you really care about him, which works for season one. But the disadvantage is that you don't really really like pay attention, maybe the first time around, to the others. Obviously, my first time time watching the show, my first like favorite was Ned and I was sort of like John and I kind of felt sorry for him because of the way the cat was treating him. And I really liked Rob as well because I was like, okay, like this is someone that's like stepping up for his family and like you know, I respected him and like you're so stark, focused and you're like Arya's spirit, you know, and how she's like fighting to survive. She's so charming in King's Landing when you know, as a Stark contrast, everybody else Stark contrast.

Speaker 1:

But also when you think about the Starks, they're everywhere. So they're in King's Landing, Winterfell, Beyond the Wall, the Castle Black. So every storyline involves Starks. Yeah so they're like the thread that you follow, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So they're like the heroes immediately in your mind, like subconsciously. So I didn't really pay attention to Dany at the first time around, I think I was just. I was like what's her deal? Like where's this going? You know, I couldn't see the vision. So I didn't really love her in the beginning, I didn't hate her, but I was just like what's her story, where is this going? And like is this worth it? What's the point, you know? And then the moment where I just felt like I had an epiphany or like my life changed was at the end of season one, when I don't know how, what exactly I did, but I remember just pausing and going wait, wait, wait, wait.

Speaker 1:

You were born again believer of Daenerys.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I was like I would do everything for her, everything and anything. Wait. Like this is the story, this is the character, and I just immediately completely saw season one in a different way at that moment and I fell in love with her at that moment. So it was just that, you know, and seeing, I guess, a woman come into her own Because when she stands up, also from the fire, she is like extremely, extremely confident. For the first time she feels kind of like, I guess, defying the norm, like I did this because I believed in myself, like that's the first time that you see Dani embody that and embrace that and kind of have that confidence. So it was that switch in her that activated a switch within me. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

Yes, and completely changed my perspective and then my whole journey with Game of Thrones. So yeah, dani Jamie Sansa.

Speaker 1:

Good, so let me go to our next question, because it's kind of one of those things that I don't like the term overrated, underrated, it's kind of so subjective, you know but, let's just give it a whirl. It's from Travel Enthusiast. He says what's the most overrated and underrated characters in A Song of Ice and Fire and I had to rack my brain. But go first and I'll give you mine.

Speaker 2:

For overrated. I'm probably going to be disappointing some people, but I don't really mind, because this character has like a cult and it's just a cult of randos. Sorry if this applies to you but we're not on the same page who.

Speaker 1:

Well, I picked somebody post or season seven and eight. I wrote Jon Snow.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so no overrated for overrated.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Oh no, I wasn't. This isn't. That's not a cult favorite, that's like a popular favorite.

Speaker 1:

Oh, who are you talking about? Oh, this is for the whole, the whole universe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like this person has a cult following in the show and in real life.

Speaker 1:

Is she a woman?

Speaker 2:

No, okay, okay. The clue is in the is in the description cult following huh damon no cult following.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, I'm lost. Go ahead, sorry it's stannis oh, stannis. Oh, you know why I let me, let me um, defend these people because, again, like I've talked about you, euron Greyjoy he is also like Stannis, is not so dull, you know, in the book, like we're rooting for Stannis and the way he went out in season five was so anticlimactic and I think people are just you know they're trying to build them up, and I get it.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't be in the cult. But I'm just saying that I get why people would have a cult. I wouldn't be in it though.

Speaker 2:

But I think that you get it with all the book stuff that you read. I, you know, just finished book two so I haven't seen like the non-boring side of Stannis and I understand like Stannis' black and white like view on the world. Like you know how he cuts Ravus' fingers off because he was a thief and even though, like the theft that he committed saved him, like his saved Stannis, like I understand people that can respect that I guess. But he is not the most interesting character in Game of thrones and george rr martin's universe. Like it's just so overrated to think that that he is like the, the epitome of george's intellect and creativity. Like no, this is just a guy that would be a like, just a normal policeman in our, in our world.

Speaker 1:

like this is not the most you know amazing character, sorry, and he's so overrated well, I have another one, since let me just I want to say, and this is just for the show, I want to say, season eight, cersei okay, it's just one dimensional.

Speaker 1:

She has no nuance to her. It's just the cersei that we knew from like seasons one through four, one through five. They're gone, like she was so cunning and ruthless, and in season eight it was just more of a predict. It's so predictable, it's somewhat shallow. She's the queen for like one season and it just it wasn't a satisfying arc. That okay. Why is she? Why is she the queen that last season all she does is drink wine and look out the window. The same was same with john snow. Yes, my queen. Yes, my queen, yes, my queen like he does nothing, he.

Speaker 1:

He brings nothing to the table yeah in that last season. So I I love john, but I'm just saying show season eight, john was overrated and annoying as f. You have another overrated, I'm sorry no, I was.

Speaker 2:

I was just going to say the reason that I don't consider those characters in those moments overrated is because I don't think anyone likes them at that point. Everyone agrees that I think that season 8 Cersei is boring, and not herself, and it's not fun to watch all those seasons, Even season 7.

Speaker 1:

We could say Cersei. I mean, the one moment Cersei has in season seven that is so ruthless and so peak Cersei is when she has the Sand Snakes, the mother and one of the daughters in a dungeon. That is just pure evilness and that's something that Cersei would do. But there's not that many moments like that in the last two seasons.

Speaker 2:

As for Underrated, I have a deep cut Okay, Deep cut from the show, just because I remember mentioning that this character was underrated on the podcast and that's Yoren Yoren from season one, the guy from the like that helps save Arya.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yes, yes, the Night Watchman. Yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the Night Watchman. When Ned Stark is being beheaded, he's the you know. When he's being sentenced, or like you know, going up on that like deus thing, ned tells Joran, like take care of Arya, in a way you know, and then he protects Arya. And if it wasn't for Joran then Arya would be dead. So shout out to Joran Underrated, deep cut character. I'm going to pick him.

Speaker 1:

I have some big characters though.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's fine.

Speaker 1:

Well, one character is not a big character. I love Podrick. Every scene he's in he's just so comforting for me he's kind of like a. Sam. But Sam is a big character and just Podrick is there and he's so loyal, like he's so loyal to to tyrian and he's so loyal to brianne.

Speaker 1:

You know, I would want him on my team and he's you know, they had a little funny moment with him and the girls. I thought it was funny. But even though he's not the best fighter, he'll, if he sees somebody that he's with, like he'll go and like try to save them, like no matter what, even if that means his life. He's sacrificing himself and that's somebody that you don't see in this kind of world. So that's my one minor character, underrated, pick, underrated, I could say Brienne, but I want to say the Hound. The Hound was such an evil character those first kind of two seasons and I think that season three and four he's still that killer, but he kind of had a little soft spot for the Stark girls.

Speaker 1:

It's hard because we actually got a question from Grant, our friend Movies and Shit, that's his name on IG, but he asked a question about the Hound. But before we get to that, I just want that's. He has a blend of like, like he goes from brutal, cynical killer to someone who's like questioning his own purpose. You know what I mean. Like he goes from loyal dog to F the king F, this F that I'm leaving, I'm going to save myself but also then save him. He does protect Arya, I mean he did take her to the Eyrie and they're like, no, nobody's here. So the question from Grant he asked do you think Sandor Clegane will return in the books or is he dead, dead? And two, if Sandor returns, do you think you'll get a similar redemption arc involving Arya and Sansa, or no?

Speaker 1:

so book reader answer this please so, uh, arya, like in the show, she leaves the hound for dead, like remember, he's saying just kill me, take me out of my misery. She doesn't. She's like you know what, just you just die there. So she kind of leaves and we think as an audience for the show, for people watching the show, that he's dead and he kind of shows up in what mid season six, and he's part of that.

Speaker 1:

Not a cult, but a little community. I would say uh, remember, in season six he shows up and he's part of that little community.

Speaker 2:

I forgot the name of the guy. Yeah, I remember.

Speaker 1:

The guy from Deadwood, yeah, I think he will show up again in the books and I think he will probably make it a point to figure out a way to have that arc and protect these girls, because right now in the book, brienne is trying to find Jaime and the Hound. Yeah, by orders of lady stoneheart, you know that's, that's what she wants dead. So, yeah, I, I agree. So. But what do you think about? Like, I mean, you're gonna get to this in this book. I think I think it's this book that he dies. It's right after the red wedding or maybe the beginning of the fourth book, but anyway, you'll get to. You'll get to it pretty soon. Do you think he'll come back?

Speaker 2:

yeah, there's no way that george just would just leave him. The same way that, like, I think john is obviously going to come back, even in the books, because that's where, like, the books end right, like with john being dead. So, yeah, yeah, I think they'll be back.

Speaker 1:

They have to be yeah, let's go to our next question. From anonymous underscore tr tropes and got that you're tired of. And maybe he's saying in pasta the to the Dragon as well, and maybe the next show that's coming up.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So when you sent me this question earlier, I was the most excited to answer this, or I was really excited about answering this because I immediately knew the answer, but I wish I took the time to at least word it better before recording or gathering my thoughts in one concise tropepe, because it's not just something as simple as, like you know, the tropes that you see on online like enemy celebrities, friends delivers and all that. It's not that, it's just if I were to like say it in a certain way, it's how women are kind of used in a very exploitative manner within the stories. I think that in the show and in the world, it's like not necessary to make it a big part of the world, part of all the stories. Especially in the show, there are so many scenes where we get, you know, these women that work like a certain type of job. I don't want to say the word, but they work these jobs and they're like their, their presence in the scene and what they're doing isn't like we shouldn't see those things like.

Speaker 2:

I know that I'm like a modest person or whatever, but like the, the graphicness, the graphicness I don't know the word, but like the it's, it's too graphic and we don't need to see it, especially because in a lot of those scenes the women are like not consenting or you know, it's something that's exploitative. As I said, it's not. It's it's not a comfortable thing for me to to watch as a reader. I don't think that it's a necessary part of of the stories or something I want to see on screen. So it's that trope and actually, if I would just sorry, I finally remembered the word, like I'm just going to sum it up into a very simple word. It's like the abuse, the abuse of women in the stories. You know, like we see it with sansan, you, it was very unnecessary to see that on screen and you know it wasn't part of the original story.

Speaker 2:

It just breaks your heart. And then you know there is Cersei as well and there's obviously Dany, which is not true to the book. So I guess it's just like this exploitative, abusive kind of depiction of women.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying that, that's a reflection of george or anything, but it's just not necessary. I'm tired of seeing it.

Speaker 2:

It's just like a repetitive pattern of like trauma and victimization for them, just like all over and over, and then, like I understand, because you'll have a scene of bailish and ross yeah and then all of a sudden, like four girls pop up and they're you know, they're jumping up and down naked like, yeah, okay, what's the purpose of it's just basically eye candy for guys, just to look yes, and it's like it's abusive and it's like exploitative, like I think, in real life, to have to film something like that and also like within the world, like obviously you can make the excuses like, oh, but in the world, but those it's like it's a fantasy. We don't need for those things to exist and have it be so prevalent. And you know, as we've mentioned before in the podcast, like they change some things to make it more abusive on the show than it is in the book, so those things are really not necessary. Very unfortunate, very, very, I guess, frustrating, for for me as a woman and as a fan of this world, that's a part of it as well.

Speaker 1:

House of the Dragon does do a good job of toning it down. We don't really see it as much. We did see it in that first, first episode of you know. All of a sudden they cut to Damon and he's just boom, boom, boom, boom. It's like okay, okay, okay, let's remind everybody, it's Game of Thrones. Sudden they cut to damon and he's just boom, boom, boom, boom. It's like okay, okay, okay, let's remind everybody, it's game of thrones, we have to see that. But after that we don't really see that that's true we see like love, actually like love scenes.

Speaker 1:

But then I go, I just remember, we go back to season two and we I'm thinking about alice in the first two episodes.

Speaker 2:

It's like okay yeah, like I think that like the house of the dragon stuff, you can kind of give some sort of explanation for like even the alice and stuff. I remember at one point I was like, oh, but like they're saying that this is like a release for alice and you know she's, this is her arc being like she's letting go of who she is like okay, there's something there, there's something of substance. It's not her being like abused. You know what I mean. Even when alicent is like, um, when she like spends the time with viserys you know what I mean. Like when they're like, you know, like it's not an abusive scene, like that's obviously what she where her story was going. It's heartbreaking to see, but it's not abuse.

Speaker 2:

So I think, think that the reason why it's so much better than House of Dragons is obviously because now it's not acceptable and it's so it was a big criticism of Game of Thrones but also because there are just more women involved. I think that all the abusive scenes or those uncomfortable scenes that we got in Game of Thrones is, of course, a reflection of how it's so prevalent in HBO and in American television anyways, um, also because they really didn't have as much women working on the show. They weren't, as you know, like they weren't a big part of it. So I guess, for them, having these scenes they think adds meaning to these women's arc, or like the guys are, or even if like, just, maybe, just like a little bit, but mostly, as you said, just like stuff for the guys, as you said, it's like an easy pinpoint of trauma, do you know, because they can't think that a woman can experience anything else other than, yeah, this, you know.

Speaker 1:

So I, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna, I'm not gonna stop talking if, if you, if you, if you let me so, so please you answer the question no, I, that was one of my big issues um as well and um, and I think I don't think we'll see that in the night of the seven kingdoms no, I don't I don't.

Speaker 1:

I don't think we'll see that at all. My other big trope that I was getting tired of is I wouldn't be tired of if it went somewhere, and that's the power of like prophecy again see house of the dragon, all with the song of ice and fire, like okay that's not going anywhere, so it wasn't really needed.

Speaker 1:

In house of the dragon it could have like maybe it's just somebody saying it in passing, like in they're seeing, they're seeing a book, oh, song of ice and fire. Okay, that's it, we don't hear about it again. But but to make it so prevalent like this is the reason why you need to be, we need to rule, like okay, maybe if this was the first show.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And we're like, okay, that sounds really interesting, azura High and this. And I'm like, okay, I thought the Prince that was promised that sounds really interesting, so magical, but it doesn't go anywhere. And we're like, okay, I thought the Prince that was promised that sounds really interesting, so magical, but it doesn't go anywhere. And we're like, okay, and everybody's just rolling their eyes. People who are hardcore Game of Thrones fans are like, yeah, okay, whatever, what's next? Like fine, it sounds good the way Paddy Constantine says it and his way of saying it in the show. It sounds powerful're like it's for, not because it's who cares? Uh, so those were my biggest things. And, um, obviously, like the season six, seven, eight, we have the convenience of plot.

Speaker 1:

armor is so yeah prevalent and, like so many people, do not die. It gets annoying, you know, like when they go beyond the wall they should have all died.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

There's no way that they survive. The one that you can connect House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones is the prophecy thing, because we got sold a bill of goods when it comes to Game of Thrones. Not in the novels, it's still good, it's still there, but in the show it's just like suckers, okay. Next question is from ThatFilmDude. He asked have your thoughts changed on House of the Dragons, season 2, or are they still the same?

Speaker 2:

I think that when we recorded with Shan and Louis over on the fellowship of the mic, like I had already said, that some thoughts changed, like in those few weeks, I think, or a couple of weeks or a week and a half or whatever after the finale. I forgot how long it was, but I remember saying that you know, some things did change and I remember you being shocked because I remember I think I said something like allison's was suddenly became my highlight of the season, even though I was like criticizing her.

Speaker 2:

I was criticizing her for weeks on end, like for months. So, um, my thoughts did change with time, but I think that for me to like give this a proper answer, I'd have to wait until next year. Like so far, I'd say no, like since then, since the fellowship of the mic recording, no, but my thoughts didn't change that much, like I still have the same problems with, I still have the same like praises of it, but I don't have anything that different to say. I think I can give a clear answer or an updated answer, I guess next year, before season three premieres of House of the Dragon.

Speaker 1:

We're not going to do a revisit analyzing, because we already did it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So what we can do is like watch the whole season and kind of do a little mini recap of season two and in a future episode next year when it comes out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we should.

Speaker 1:

Knock on wood. No, I like I think I would have to wait and rewatch the season. Right off the top of my head, obviously, is the pacing issue, which was completely 180 of season one, where we were like it's too fast, it's too fast and I was like can we please leave Harrenhal? You know, it's just like get out of this place, you're driving me nuts. And the lack of action taken by characters was getting frustrating and I gave it a pass because I love the characters and I love their performances. But it was like, okay, you know, let's get this going, because we can't see you being frustrated every episode and then not do anything.

Speaker 2:

You're the queen yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

You're not part of the small folk who's complaining in the saloon oh these damn Targaryens, which is fine, but you can't do nothing, and I get it. You can complain every day about them, but when you're the queen, you shouldn't be complaining about the same thing in every small council meeting. Just do something. When I call her the being a pacifist, they made her into that after making her so hell-bent on revenge in the end of season one and the beginning of season two when she just said I want Daemon Targaryen, You're like okay, here we go, here we go Daemon, Daemon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, daemon, I'm sorry, what did I say?

Speaker 2:

You said Damon twice, it's Amen, it's.

Speaker 1:

Damon Amen, sorry, not Damon. Well, she wanted to kill Damon in the second episode.

Speaker 2:

Don't say that gets us started on Damon too.

Speaker 1:

So I mean, that's the one thing that's probably going to be the one thing I'll be looking for when I rewatch it next year. Those are our thoughts for season two as of right now. Here's a funny one. I love movies. Underscore 44. It has a question for you, minwa.

Speaker 2:

Me Specifically.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it says, Minwa. Did you watch Potter over the holidays?

Speaker 2:

I didn't, I didn't, I wanted to, but I forgot, I didn't. I didn't, I wanted to, but I forgot, I didn't. No, I made a very unwise decision. This winter I re-watched love actually for like the fifth time and I kind of got bored watching it because I was like I memorized this movie, um, and I was just like I'm I committed to watching it. I'm halfway through and I can't believe Sideshow is this movie. I should have waited another five years or something, cause I, I memorized it.

Speaker 2:

So I wish I picked Harry Potter, but no, uh, there's always time, Maybe. Maybe now it's still cold here, so, or like as cold as it's going to get for Bahrain.

Speaker 1:

So um, I actually watched the Sorcerer of the Stone I just put play. They have all eight. They have all eight in, I think, disney and then I think HBO Max has them all. I think there's like five different streaming services that have all the Potter movies. They're just everywhere. It's like you can't escape them. I had a good time, you know, always the one that's the fun, not the best. Happy Christmas, ron. Happy Christmas Harry.

Speaker 2:

Know always the one. It's the fun, not the best, but happy christmas.

Speaker 1:

Happy christmas, harry, oh but no, I don't know where's christmas?

Speaker 2:

christmas is every, every day for me.

Speaker 1:

I can watch it anytime we actually got two questions, uh, concerning our thoughts on season seven and eight of game of thrones and we're going to put them together and then kind of answer it and say that uh, caden underscore crippin asks if you all could rewrite season seven and eight of got. How would change it? Slash, end it? Travel enthusiasts did another question, saying in a perfect world, how would season eight have ended? I I love the questions, but I think we both agree that we want to like bookmark these questions.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Because, like, we really want to like dive deep into this, because, like we want to make like a special, special episode or two of just about what we would have done if we were the writers and we would have kicked out D&D Okay, we're taking over, look for that in the future. And we would have kicked out D&D Okay, we're taking over, look for that in the future. So we're going to bookmark those two questions and we'll definitely bring up your names again when we do Giving us inspiration.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and because you want to know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is a fun one. Non-game of Thrones related. What were your favorite movies? Slash shows of 2024?. Okay, while you find your info, I'm going to just rattle off my top 10. I'm not going to tell you the ranking, I'm just going to tell you the 10 movies that are in my top 10. At the moment. It's not official because I still haven't seen Nosferatu and the Brutalist and I haven't seen Chalamet's new movie about Bob Dylan.

Speaker 1:

I still want to see those first, but these are the 10 movies that are in the top 10 as of right now. I was going to say it's the 28th. What's today's date?

Speaker 2:

The 18th. The 17th.

Speaker 1:

I have Kneecap.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I heard of it.

Speaker 1:

Small Things Like these. The film with Cillian Murphy. The film with uh, killian murphy ghost light, which I just watched, and just I was bawling like a little kid which one ghost light? Oh, I didn't see it. I'll send it to you. But it's just when a construction worker unexpectedly joins a local theater's production of romeo and juliet, alongside his estranged teenage daughter, the drama on stage starts to mirror his own life it just took it just took me by surprise and I was just like okay, I have sing sing yeah uh, anora challengers doom.

Speaker 1:

part two the substance and a movie that I just watched the other day, the count of monte cristo, which is a french film, and let me just tell you that that just movie movie just kind of blew me away. I couldn't believe how good it was. I couldn't believe how just the production of it I felt like I was watching one of those epics from the 60s or 70s and 80s. Just so well done and it's almost three hours long. But you're like edge of your seat, you're so into it. You go back to that Roger ebert quote when he says no good movie is too long and no bad movie is too short.

Speaker 2:

it's true, um. So some of my favorites of the year. Again, there are a lot that I haven't seen as well. Um, counts of monte cristo is like a top priority for me now, like the 2024 films that I've missed um, but the movies that I love. This year we're doing part two. Wicked um sing, sing as well. Dd. I really enjoyed.

Speaker 1:

Oh that's in my top 20 okay, uh, dd is really nice.

Speaker 2:

the wild robots, um, enora. The substance, um, I think that's like it, even the one that you said Small Things Like these. Another movie I really want to watch is we Live in Time. There's also like a Thai movie I heard really good things about, which is how to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies. That was really good as well. Haven't seen the Brutalist I'm a bit behind but those are my favorite movies of the year so far.

Speaker 1:

I'm a bit behind but those are my favorite movies of the year so far. So I'm going to tell you the movies that I have from 11 to 15. I'm going to tell you where they're ranked. I'll say Wild Robot, a Real Pain, the Order, strange Darling and we Live in Time. We Live in Time is like you're going to need a couple boxes of tissues.

Speaker 2:

That's fine.

Speaker 1:

It's so good and I don't know, I don't understand why this movie is not getting more play, because I thought it was just beautiful performances by them, both all right, really quick for me. Uh, best shows I watched in 2024, the day of a jackal with, uh, eddie redmayne. I thought it just kind of blew me away. I just binged it. The Penguin, shogun, baby Reindeer, the Bear, season 3, fallout, arcane, season 2 was brilliant.

Speaker 1:

And lastly, I'm going to mention Abbott Elementary, because my daughter, I think in the beginning of December, she's like oh, I want to watch this. So she kept seeing my TikTok clips, like really funny ones, and I go oh, I want to watch this. So she kept seeing TikTok clips, really funny ones, and I go well, I kind of watched the first three already and it didn't really hook me. So I go OK, I'll give it another go. Boom, we binged the whole thing. We're up to date now with the new season. It's just so funny and so heartwarming and it's nice to see these characters in this kind of light. And when I say these characters, of course I'm saying like people of color, so you don't will see teachers and like. It's always like oh, in a movie or in a show, a drama, it's because they're they're all hoodlums or they're gangs yeah it's nice to see, uh, young black teachers, young women and and getting it.

Speaker 1:

It's so good and it's so feel good like I, I love seeing it, like I. There's so many references that goes back and forth and I and I just I don't know I just why I love it.

Speaker 1:

And they kind of did the crossover with it's always sunny in philadelphia, which I thought the crew from is always sunny came into abbott, which I thought the crew from as Always Sunny came into Abbott okay, so they couldn't really go super hardcore like they do in Always Sunny, but it was just kind of the way they did. It was perfect because it wasn't too crass and it wasn't too like they didn't make the characters in Always Sunny too likeable. They're still unlikable because they're they're still unlikable because they're they're they're really bad people, but they're funny in the show. You ever watched the show Okay?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, those are my shows for 2024.

Speaker 2:

Okay, good, nice, nice picks. I have a similar one, like one that's on your list as well, which is Shogun. Obviously I'm broken, obviously. Um, really really good and probably like the best show of the year. Um, other than that, I think none of the other shows that I watched premiered last year, but they're what I watched last year. Um, so there's a k drama called welcome to sam dalry. That's honestly one of the best k dramas I've ever seen. Like I'm the only one that loves it this much, I think, but I really really loved it. Um, you know, a small town you know so funny.

Speaker 1:

I just watched the hot ones with the squid games guys oh, yeah, yeah, yeah and one of the questions is what's um, or maybe it was overrated, or what's your favorite k drama?

Speaker 1:

okay, and um, and then there was one that said who would who from these three K-pop bands survive Squid Game? So it was just a funny question and I think BTS and this other two I don't know the other two groups because my wife's, like I said, the only one I know is the BTS because that's Minwoo's band. But yeah, I recommend you watching it. It's kind of funny because they're so likable. Yeah, those two. I haven't watched season two yet. I heard it's just. I know you said it, it was just.

Speaker 2:

I did.

Speaker 1:

I hated this, like I didn't hate it, so it wasn't like was it just a repeat of season one.

Speaker 2:

I'm still waiting for an arc to be completed, whereas with season one you get like a very perfectly contained story there. Why do you need? You know what I mean? Like, like it's thematically it doesn't serve anything new. Acting wise not like nothing that we haven't seen season one. Story wise again nothing that we haven't seen season one. There's no need to continue it. It's just not necessary.

Speaker 2:

Season one was was just good on its own and it's had more to say. That's all I'll say, like when season three of Squid Game premieres this year, even though, like, they are going to wrap up the story, they're not going to add anything of substance to it. I think Because everything that was of substance was just perfectly communicated in season one. So that was my thoughts on it. But episode one is really good. Season two, episode one Season two, episode one just watch that, don't watch the rest of season two. It's really really good. Season two, episode one is because of the actor in it. So if you know, you know you'll really enjoy it. So, yeah, bts will definitely win Squid Game. They just like on that topic that you said.

Speaker 2:

But, yeah, I watched Squid Game, not all my favorites. Welcome to Sam Del Rey is the K-drama that I mentioned. I love it so much. And then over the summer I caught up on demon slayer and jujutsu kaisen, two animes, um, and then like, just to continue on this, um, like beats, I guess. The only other shows that I really watched, I guess last year, were also, like korean k-pop variety shows yeah so are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, are you sure? On disney plus, and then ranjin nanotour with 17 and, and then that was my 2024. I wasn't so heavy on TV shows last year.

Speaker 1:

Let me just mention one more show that we it's not a 2024 show, 2025. It just came out last week for HBO, called the Pit, with Noah Wiley. He used to come out in ER 30 years ago. I can't believe 30 years ago. Er was from like 94, I think it started and it's about he's a doctor in the ER in Pittsburgh and it takes the same formula as 24 with Kether Sutherland. So, like, each episode of the series is one hour of the day, so it's 15 episodes in total. You're about to see one shift in this hospital, no, so the first episode.

Speaker 2:

See one shift in this hospital. Oh.

Speaker 1:

So the first episode is called 7 am and then the second episode will be 8 am and so on and so forth, and I think we watched the first episode last night and I go, all this stuff happened and we're still. His day just started. This is his first hour of the day and all this and just by the time you watch all 15, you're like that's just one of his days of the year that he has to deal with the chaos that is an ER in a big city. You go to New York City, Los Angeles, you're going to be waiting 10, 12 hours, Unless you have like a really life-threatening injuries or illness that you have to be seen right away.

Speaker 1:

If you're there because your head hurts or you bumped your knee, they'll be like, okay, he's going to wait Because we have to take care of this person with a gunshot to his chest.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I think the formula works better in this arena of ER. It's really well done, so I really recommend it, just based off the first show. Okay, back to the Q&A. Actually, this is from Shan from Forager. She actually asked about Season 3, and I forgot to mention it when we were talking about Game of Thrones Season 3. Will you be re-watching Season 3 episodes for your discussion? If so, can we do a watch party? Yes, shan, you bring the beer, I'll bring the chips. Meanwhile, we'll bring what cookies?

Speaker 1:

I guess so uh, we would have to figure that out logistically how we can do that. That'll be fun just to watch game of thrones with friends. Okay, this is a fun question here from jakelit. As three glt characters you'd go on a road trip with not, I'm not talking about like an hour, I'm talking about like a real road trip. Like you have to go across the country in the us. It's gonna take you three days. You're stuck with these people. Oh well, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Like here you have to like actually drive I know, yeah, so that's like unfamiliar territory for me I mean, let me put it into perspective.

Speaker 1:

Last friday I picked up my wife from her mother's and it's two and a half hours away, so I drove over there two, two hours and 40 minutes picked her up. We stayed there for like an hour, then we drove back home another two hours and 40 minutes. So that's like five plus hours in one day. But easy, I mean, do that all the time. So so you're saying that your longest trip is two hours total, like two hours to one place and two hours back, or like two, like one hour and one hour?

Speaker 2:

within the past couple of years, like the most that I've done is like, uh, it wasn't in bahrain, it was somewhere else. But like from the airport to the hotel, two hours by car, like an hour and 45 minutes, that was the most. And then again, when we left that country, so it was something like that, that was the most that that I've done in a and yeah, so road trips don't exist, kind of in Bahrain, because a two hour drive we'll end up in Saudi. It's in a whole other country. It's not like you can't spend two hours in a car in Bahrain unless there's traffic. So if there's no traffic whatsoever and it's just like a straight highway, yeah, you're going to end up in Saudi, and within Bahrain, it's just probably going to be like maybe, I guess, an hour and a half, I don't know. So I'm not a road trip person. I get carsick.

Speaker 2:

So this question is like unfamiliar territory for me. But with everything that I said, I would say I'm just going to go for a very safe car ride. I'm going to pick Jon Snow, sansa Stark and Bran Stark, just because I, as I said, I would get car sick. So I would just need like to sit in a car with my AirPods in or like my headphones in, listen to music, look out the window, have someone else drive, or like I'll drive when it's my turn and just have it be peaceful. No one's fighting. It's not going to be even fun. I just need to get to my destination. Do you know what I mean? Like everyone needs to be in their own world. And my destination? Do you know what I mean? Like everyone needs to be in their own world, and then we will get back to to communicating and talking once we get to our destination, because otherwise just don't talk to me. I want to be in my own world of my music so that I don't get carsick.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, that's me so you just said that if you should drive two hours, you'd be in another country. So here's a little mind-blowing stat. So I just googled from where I live now to where my mother lives in new york city. So it would take 36 hours to drive wow, from here to my mom's house wow, have you ever done something like that?

Speaker 1:

no, the most driving I've done is from San Francisco to like somewhere in Arizona. It was like 12, 13 hours. And then I drove from Tucson to San Antonio three times and it's like 11 to 12 hours. Those are the most I've driven. But yeah, for me I'm going to do my road trip. Obviously I'm going to have Tyrion.

Speaker 1:

He's obviously a great conversationalist. He's going to keep it everything lighthearted, with the humor and the storytelling and and, uh, if he's in a we're in a difficult situation and I get, uh stopped by a police, I could tell, tyrian, can you talk our way out of this? Uh. My next person will be aria. I think aria is like, has the sense of adventure, like she's gonna wanna see everything and be, you know, resourceful, and she's tough and she could adapt to anything that we have, or she, she, she'll be like happy to change it's higher or something. The third one, I think brianne. I think she's the most dependable person she's strong, she's not gonna drink.

Speaker 1:

She'll be the one that probably does the most driving and maybe she'll have a good time in a way, like she'll figure out a way to have fun in this trip. She's always serious and you know she's. She's lived a life of ridicule, or you know what I'm saying. So for her to find some kind of joy in this trip will be kind of fun. We've come to our last question and this is probably the juiciest one we got and that's why I left it last and I sent you this and I go. This is a thinker here because it has so many parts. So this last question comes from hasanha and his question is if selmy were alive when tyrian got to marine, okay, would danny have accepted tyrian into her council?

Speaker 1:

I think so I don't think that she would. He would become a close, close advisor because she would have some no yeah sell me and tyrian never interact. So I don't know like what's their dynamic, like what's their uh relationship, because we never, we don't know.

Speaker 1:

We know that sell me will always be her closest advisor because he is a targaryen loyalist and he was a king's guard for her father and he knew her brother. She can confide in some me with everything. He would probably say look, we're going to Westeros and we're going to have to deal with the Lannisters. It would be nice to have somebody who knows this family in and out, so let's just have them there. We can ask some questions when we need to. The question I want to ask, based off this question, is that once Daenerys gets to Dragonstone and she gets to the painted table and she says, let us begin, okay, she has Selmy there as her hand of the queen, not Tyrion how differently would the war have taken shape? Would she be sitting in the Iron Throne? I say yes, I will. Will say yes, I'll let you answer I think.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know, thinking about it now, like you know, his death was useless. They killed him off for like no reason. You know, I think it didn't. It wasn't because he had beef with dnd, like the actor, or something like that. So imagine if that like one small thing like, and we, like it feels like a yes, you know what I mean. For us it feels like, yeah, like I think she, she, she would, and then it makes you angrier because it's just because of dnd again, you know what I mean like seemingly small, like change, I guess you know it's like a butterfly effect, like, oh, he, like the actor, had one like argument, dnd or whatever. So they killed him off.

Speaker 2:

And then that because he's alive in the books, right, yes, he's not dead about how big of a role he's going to play, because that'll give you a clear answer. But to me it feels like yeah, yeah, like I guess she would have. But then what? What do you think he would have told her? Like what do you think would have been the direct difference that he he had? You know, like I think yes, but why do you think that it's a yes for you?

Speaker 1:

I think that, uh, with tyrian, he had the political cunningness and fondness for playing the game of their own, but I think, like Berenstain was more straightforward, honor bound approach he would have. He would have. They probably would have clashed, let's be honest. Yeah, but it still would have been nice to have Tyrion there. I think having Selmy there would have been easier because he could have given her a deeper understanding of the consequences of certain decisions which Tyrion tried to do in the show.

Speaker 1:

When she burns the Tarlys and she's like we shouldn't be doing this, blah, blah, blah, blah. She's like shut up, I'm, I'm gonna do what I want. Having some way there would have taken her aside, and I think she would have stepped aside and just listened to bernson more carefully and say you know what, maybe, maybe you're right, because there is a point and even in the show there's a one point where he takes her to the side and said look, this is not, you don't want to be, uh, remembered as as a murderer, remember, she just wants to kill and she just she's like okay, you know, and I think that he would have brought that to to westeros and I think it would have been easier for the nearest again um alliances if she had selmy with her.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, for sure, for sure.

Speaker 1:

I think Seryn was so. Selmy was such an honorable man in this Westeros that I think he would have gotten some support right away, and I don't think he's not going to send the Unsullied to Casterly Rock. He probably said, look, we need to, let's take a chill pill. Let's wait two weeks. We're going to. This is going to be our defense. This is the strategy. We're going to hit King's Landing all full force. We have the ships, we have the Unsullied, we have the Dothraki, we have your three powerful dragons Bottom line. I think, sami, we criticized tyrian for his lack of judgment when it came to being the head of the queen. He outsmarted himself like he was trying to be too. Uh, what am I trying to say? He was trying to like think five chest moves ahead without looking at the, the move that he needs to make first, like I don, I don't know. I'm trying to like figure out how to say it right, because he made too many blunders. This is what I'm saying, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean, sometimes I feel like Tony's a bit harsh on his favorite character. You know, like Tony's a bit harsh on Tyrion for what you say about him as Han, but honestly, like TV show Tyrion, tv show Tyrion, tv show Tyrion. But I think that, like you know, you're right on the fact that Ser Barristan definitely would have been a wiser presence. You know, yeah, tyrion was kind of he was trying too hard, basically, you know, and was just trying to do whatever he could.

Speaker 1:

So even the line with Olenna she says your hand. He thinks he's very clever.

Speaker 2:

I forgot that line. Um, imagine he has her person there and him with olen. I think that would have been a really interesting dynamic to see, because I think they would have kind of been on the same page. They see danny as the dragon.

Speaker 1:

You know, I don't think that tyrian ever really saw her in that way, or if he did, it wasn't in a good way whereas I think that's yeah, because you think about it like sami would have had her best interest at heart, which is get the iron throne, tyrian is like how do I screw my family?

Speaker 2:

yeah I guess. So yeah, like I want to.

Speaker 1:

I want to help, I want to help the nearest, but let me. Yeah, he was so focused on getting revenge on Cersei, not on his brother, but I think that was the leading cause for him. Oh, yes, let's do Casterly Rock, but this is one of those what-if questions that I mean we could take an hour thinking about, because you know Selmy interacting with Jon Snow. You know Selmy respected Ned Stark so much as an honorable man and I think I that respect would have been mutual from Jon to Selmy and they could probably work together, but I don't see Selmy going.

Speaker 1:

Yes, let's go up beyond the wall no he would be like nah, we're good, we're good, we don't need to convince this queen of anything. She, we have the queen right here yes, yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, that's such a good point actually, because you know, when you said that person and like we don't need to convince the queen, we have the queen right here, I like, oh, that makes me angrier about season eight, but like that's what they should have done and that's what person would have done, and I guess if you had that kind of person saying that and being that, then like cersei's power would just like go away in an instance because danny would have like helped them. They would defeat the white walkers. Everything taken care of that. And she has her dragons. She has no ice dragons, so it's not like that they lose the dragons to the white walkers and everything.

Speaker 1:

That's what happened under sabarasa baris and I decided, and then um, exactly because obviously it would have been more logical, I guess they wouldn't have a nice dragon, they wouldn't have a way to cross the wall yeah, and then what does?

Speaker 2:

what does cersei have? And then you know what I mean. Like what? The golden company they like, they can't take those people out she has so.

Speaker 1:

And once the south sword see the dragons, they would have been pooping in their pants, they would have run away but like whatever, we don't have loyalty to you yeah, exactly so.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that just made me so much angrier because, if you think about it, it's just like one character that could have caused all this difference. Right, like I like I'm getting I don't know if I'm just rambling because I'm like tired but I'm getting angrier and angrier about this because of this question. It's like it's a very good question, but it's making me angry about season eight again, and we should stop ourselves when we're talking about season eight, because we're going to get there, and we always stop ourselves because otherwise we won't stop.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, we're going to have to rewrite our own little script for season seven and eight. But write our own little script for season seven and eight and, but we can't have, we can't have. So me we can't have, because he's he's dead in season five, so we have to figure something out he comes back from the dead.

Speaker 2:

Because magic, because magic yes, all right.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's going to be all for our first episode of 2025 and our first episode of season three of dancing with dragons, and our next episode we're going to tackle the night of the seven kingdoms. We'll do a little preview on the show, tell you about the actors, where they've been, tell you about the directors, writers. I know that we're thinking summer, probably august, but that's going to be a fun show. We won't spoil the show for you or it's the season, so that'll be fun.

Speaker 2:

Yes, tony and I are very excited to talk about the 97 kingdoms. I know something that so many of you are looking forward to. If you have any questions about that as well, let us know anything specific you want us to talk about. We will be rereading the first story so what season one is about before we record. So we're going to come all prepared for you guys for our next episode and, as I said, if you have anything you want us to address specifically, be sure to just let us know. On instagram, our at is at dancing with underscore dragons and, of course, if you're a fan of the podcast, be sure to add, listen and download our episodes on your preferred listening platforms and give us a rating, interview or comment as well, if you get the chance. Thank you guys. So much for listening. We'll see you on the next one.

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